Just a short one to elaborate on our response to the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in. During the lockdown and into the social distancing measures recommended by the World Health Organisation and the NHS, all social clubs and groups, including all Samba groups, are unable to meet in public places.
Firstly, we understand and sympathise will all our friends and fellow percussion communities during this time. It’s a difficult time for the creative industry as a whole, and it’s terrible to see groups unable to perform, rehearse and play.
This weekend would have been Manchester Day Parade, a weekend where bands from all over the North West to parade down the streets of Manchester. We’ve also lost Notting Hill Carnival and Brazilica this year. It’s a bitter blow for bands across the country.
That being said, we’re not sat waiting. There’s still a lot that can be done ahead of our 2021 reopening. Once the WHO and NHS guidelines allow, we’ll be looking at appropriate and safe venues and methods of gathering, to kick start the year.
We’re not only looking forward to 2021 as the year we get rolling again, but also when we can start seeing our favourite groups on the streets again too. It’s going to be quite a party!
Stay safe!